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Fire officer takes over Falkirk and West Lothian as he marks 20-year career
A senior fire officer marks his 20-year milestone this week as he takes the helm overseeing fire and rescue operations in Falkirk and West Lothian.
Escape plan
Learn how to create an escape plan for getting everyone out as quickly and safely as possible
Risk of wildfire is very high in the South and West of Scotland
The latest wildfire warning has been issued and identifies a very high risk for South and West of Scotland.
Accessibility statement
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West of Scotland firefighters attended more than 14,000 unwanted false alarms last year
Firefighters across the West of Scotland responded to more than 14,000 unwanted fire alarm signals last year - the equivalent of around 38 a day.
Frequently asked questions
Find out more about our on call firefighter role!
East of Scotland firefighters attended almost 10,000 unwanted false alarms last year
Firefighters across the East of Scotland responded to almost 10,000 unwanted fire alarm signals last year - the equivalent of around 27 a day.
Recruitment process for on call firefighter
The recruitment process, assessment day, training, and more.
Key SFRS figures to attend James Braidwood Fortrose Service 2024
Members from the Service will pay tribute to the first Master of Engines
Firefighter shares cancer experience to encourage men to talk
A firefighter who discovered he had prostate cancer has urged men to be more open about their health problems to help save lives.