SFRS achieves Gold Award and is ranked amongst the Stonewall Top 100 Employers

SFRS receives Stonewall Gold Award
“We want to be the best employer we can be and by employing a diverse range of people we can better serve the communities of Scotland.”
Inclusion efforts for LGBTQ+ employees at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service have been given a Gold Award from Stonewall.
Europe’s largest charity for lesbian, gay, bi, trans and queer (LGBTQ+) rights has also confirmed the Service’s ranking in the Top 100 Employers list for 2024 in 67th place.
David Farries is Assistant Chief Officer at the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service and the organisation’s LGBTQ+ Champion.
He said: “We are proud to receive recognition from Stonewall for our efforts to support LGBTQ+ staff to be themselves at work.
“We have previously held bronze and silver status and we are delighted to now receive the Gold Award. Over the past year we have made significant strides towards strengthening our inclusive working environment so we can better understand our colleagues and identify areas for improvement.
“We want to be the best employer we can be and by employing a diverse range of people we can better serve the communities of Scotland.”
Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers List 2024 is the UK’s leading ranking of employers from public, private and third sectors on how inclusive their workplaces are.
It is compiled through submissions to a free, voluntary benchmarking tool - the Workplace Equality Index.
All submissions are then marked against thorough and standardised criteria.
The Top 100 Employers are picked out by Stonewall for their excellent work in creating inclusive workplaces for their LGBTQ+ staff.
Stonewall’s research shows that around a third of LGBT staff have hidden who they are at work for fear of discrimination.
Please find the full Top 100 list on Stonewall’s website.